
Saturday, February 19, 2011

How to revert back to the old Facebook Photo Viewer?

Well If you are one of the many people who are searching for an answer to this question, then I can answer it for the time being. If you refresh your page, ou will automatically get back to the classic or the basic facebook photo viewer. To put it in more simpler words, just press god damn F5 and then you can see your pictures the way you are used too.

But let me tell you, Facebook knows how to impose even bad changes. I for once still dont like these new Facebook profile's, but then the people at Facebook made everyone change to these new profiles forcibly and i believe they will do so in this case too.

This new photo viewer looks more like a childs beta photo viewer made for some school project, how could Facebook even release this thing to 500 million odd users. They seriously take us for granted.

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